Where: RaGa, Zagreb, Croatia
Date: 27th June - 1st September 2012
44.4 Seconds examines the last moments when - to paraphrase US President Truman - the Universe was the sole guardian of its own power. It is the time of fall between the Hiroshima atomic bomb being released from its parent B29 bomber and reaching its point of detonation. Lead, cast from wood and paper, confers a solemnity to events that impede reasoned conclusions, challenge dogma, and serve as a transcendent symbol for human frailty. Zagreb 2012
44,4 sekunde propituje posljednje trenutke – da parafraziram američkog predsjednika Trumana – kada je Svemir bio jedini čuvar svoje moći. To je vrijeme slobodnog pada atomske bombe, od trenutka kada ju je ispustio bombarder B29 do trenutka kada je eksplodirala nad Hirošimom. Olovo, izliveno iz drva i papira, daje jedak svečani dojam događajima koji priječe razumno zaključivanje, preispituju dogmu te služe kao prolazni simbol krhkosti ljudske vrste. u Zagrebu, 2012.